Welcome to the Kansas Folk Music and Dance Resource Center!To make sure that the rhythm and spirit of folk music and dance in Kansas continue, the Kansas Folk Music and Dance Resource Center (KAFMAD) seeks to:
Folk Here & NowInformation on folk music and dance taking place in Kansas today.Music | Dance | Storytelling | Festivals Finding MaterialsInformation on existing collections of folk music and dance materials.Stories & PhotosStories, photos, recordings, and memories of folk music and dance in Kansas.Preserve It!In a jam? In a band? Do you play, sing or dance? Tools to help you preserve
your history.
Also check out the progressive Kansas Arts Movement on facebook: www.facebook.com/KansasArtsMovement (Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the file.) Want to be on the mailing list for the project's activities? Want to help? Comments or suggestions? Please email us . |